
This is a blog between two friends, Courtney and Eric, who met in Athens, GA over common culinary interests. After 4 short years in the Classic City, Eric left Athens to pursue a PhD in Mathematics in San Diego. Meanwhile, Courtney is finishing her PhD in Foods and Nutrition in Athens, where she has lived since 2006. We chose a blog as our medium of culinary communication so that we could  continue our discussions on all things food and drink while letting anyone else who might be interested read and comment along with us. Basically, we’re pen pals and we’re letting the entire world have the option to read our mail.

Things you can probably expect to see on this blog: silly faux arguments, Courtney cooking a lot of Southern and Asian-inspired food, Eric cooking a lot of French food, Courtney maligning Eric a little about using so much cream and duck fat, Eric chastising Courtney for occasionally buying pre shredded cheese and avoiding cooking meat, two pals having a good time keeping their academic stress at bay through cookery.


Eric and Courtney

PS. Why textcooks? It’s a terrible pun on textbooks, which we both spend an unfortunate about of time with….and we text a lot, I suppose. Give us a break! Blog names are hard!

6 thoughts on “About

  1. So I did some research…

    “Textcooks” is actually a series of cookbooks published by Anness Publishing.

    Suffice to say… Y’all gonna get sued.

    You heard it here first.


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